We are delighted to invite you to the

2017 IndexMeed Seminar 

Sciences and Algorithms around Graphs in Environment and Societies

that will take place on 2018


Following the successful workshops of 2014, 2015 and 2016, this 4th seminar will promote exchanges between participants, the acquisition of practical methods and will explore new ways to develop algorithms to mine graphs constructed with heterogeneous environmental data.

Thought as a collaborative space between experts in ecology and biodiversity and experts in the field of ICST, this one has the vocation of developing new research based on the approaches related to the graphs, and in particular to construct a project bearing

  • on the theoretical aspects (ICST) of algorithms for digging graphs according to scientific questions and
  • on the theoretical aspects of integrating heterogeneous environmental data with a view to construct bio-scenarios and to assist in environmental decision-making.

This SAGES seminar is open to all.
Registration is free and open to any researcher. PhD and Master students are welcome.

- The first day will be devoted to the results of the workshops and the exchanges between ecological researchers and researchers in ICST.

- The second day will be devoted to a reflection in the form of workshops concerning the theoretical locks to be lifted (ICST) concerning environmental data, and the elaboration of a response to a call for projects for a specific action on the graphs of environmental data.

- A third day will bring together small group of researchers to structure the response to call for projects according to coherent Work Packages.

The 2016 IndexMed Seminar welcomes abstracts for original oral and poster contributions.The online submission process is now opened soon on https://indexmed2017.sciencesconf.org.


Contact : indexmeed2017@sciencesconf.org



The event is co-organized by






with the support of





site du CNRS





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