Aims of the seminar > SAGES's days objectives

Objectives of the SAGES days


Following the successful workshops (2014, 2015 and 2016), this 4th seminar will present the contribution of recent developments about algorithms used to mine graphs for environmental research questions. It will promote exchanges between participants, the acquisition of practical methods and will explore new ways to develop algorithms to mine graphs constructed with heterogeneous environmental data.




The aims, after sharing scientific evidence and confronting experiences, are to develop collaborations using/based on graph approaches and new researches around the Mediterranean Sea and across Europe, and to respond to a European H2020 Call next year. The 3-days program will be extensive, including 4 plenary sessions with keynote speakers (international level), social events, a posters session and 2 workshop (2nd day for everyone, 3rd day only for future task leaders). During the plenaries, graphs case studies with several algorithms will be presented, and how to choose appropriate methods will be further explored.

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